Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Project 365 - Day 235 (04/10/10)

Day 235: Argh this failed to send yesterday and I've only just noticed. So so sorry!

Well I was at the live final of Britain's Next Top Model (write up and pictures tomorrow) and it was awesome. As you can see in this pic I was extremely excited, I think that may explain my weird pose!

I wore my beloved dress me and my mum made with black accessories; heels, tights, belt and leather jacket. Kept it simple.

Much love

P.S. Some of you eagle eyed viewers may have caught me in the audience.


What RU Wearing? said...

Love your "365" posts, it's quite a commitment isn't it? I've always meant to do one but end up missing a few days and not picking it back up!

Lucky girl getting to attend the BNTM final and hang out with the finalists as well.

Hollie - Whatruwearing Team

What RU Wearing? eZINE

Keeks said...

Aww thanks. Yes a huge commitment, wasn't aware quite how big until I was no longer a student. Hehe. It is very easy to neglect but is my way of getting myself out there in one way and explaining my love of fashion.

Ah yes I am a BNTM geek so was amazing! Hehe. Thanks.
