Well it had to be done I'm afraid. Every year Oscar's fashion truly gets me and this year I get to give you my opinion on it - lucky you eh. I'm not going to go through everything but for a really good showing of everything Oscar's fashion related head over to
Go Fug Yourself which is where I got all my pictures.

There were quite a few gorgeous dresses this year but I really fell in love with Jennifer Lopez (right) and Amanda Seyfried's (left) Armani dresses and they are very memorable. I have been reading up about these and they were not that popular as they were seen as too wedding-y, which I can see but for the Oscars you can pretty much go as OTT as you like surely. My only disappointment was a
strange angle from Jennifer Lopez's dress but as long as she stands the other way I love it. Another point a few people have made that I agree with is that Amanda Seyfried looks like a little girl in this and Jennifer Lopez's curves work so much better for this look. Much more womanly.

Now for the less gorgeous dresses. This is Zoe Saldana from Avatar who is absolutely stunning...just not in this. I love kooky, mad stuff but this is just a bit too much kooky with not quite enough of a good fit. I love the sparkly bust on this but the purple skirt looks like it doesn't fit and is extremely unflattering, it also looks a little cheap, especially in comparison to all the amazing fabrics on the red carpet last night. Now onto the poofy end, I love the idea of this but I just don't think it was executed well, its all the slits it in and the long bit up one side that makes it look, well, weird. I think if the sparkly bust had come down to her hips and then the skirt was all that poofy material it could have been pretty awesome, in the same vein and a bit of a play on
this Penelope Cruz dress that I loved.
There were some other disasters and some more amazingness last night.
Kate Winslet was pretty boring and reminded me of Sixth Form leavers ball dress which is a pity.
Helen Mirren looked amazing - not just for a woman her age but in general, Oscars glam to a T. I loved
Maggie Gyllenhaal's look, though some people thought the pattern was a bit too much, I still think it's amazing and if it was knee length I would buy it today.
Miley Cyrus did a great attempt it just needed a better fit and for her to stand up straight for it too work. Last but not least
Sarah Jessica Parker let me down and looked like a very shiny and sparkly sack (I have to say I like the sparkly bit of anything, even a sack).
One last note,
Asos have done a clever Oscar's page, splitting some of the looks up to soft and strong styles and pointing you towards their similar styles. It's fun!! If a little too tempting!