Tuesday, 2 March 2010


I found this today and I love it!! Its from Republic and only £26.99, so quite a bargain.

I have a few issues (as always):
  1. I am very short and maxi dresses often swamp me
  2. It is so very summery and although it is warmer than it has been, I still probably won't be able to wear it for months.
  3. I think I only love it because its colourful and has a flowery pattern, which we all know I love very much.
I also have counter arguments for all of these arguments and if I could justify it we all know I would definitely buy this but I am more practical than that - when I choose to be anyway!

If it was July I don't think I would have stopped to think about buying it, so I suppose it proves I don't care about the issues I raised, its definitely LOVE.

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