Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Newspaper nails

How cool are these nails??


Not the golf information that is plastered across them but the newspaper print. I'll let you in on a little secret...they are REALLY easy to do. It only took about 10 minutes to do and although they are a little hit and miss, I still think they look awesome and a tiny bit of practice and they will be perfect. Here's the step-by-step.

First paint your nails, choose a light colour. You could of course use white or neutral but I love colours so I used this lovely light green Spring Mews from Nails Inc.


Next up, dip your nail in some surgical spirits.


Then lay some newspaper over your nail and press down to transfer the print.


Paint over a layer of clear nail varnish to seal, et voila. I told you it was easy!



You can do this with pretty much any prints so I'm excited to get going with that but for now I'll stick with these for a few days. For a lover of expeimenting with nails this is a perfect quick way to add a bit of fun!

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